
Je rêve

Je rêve que la journée tourne comme une page,
Qu'on jette les des pas par hasard,
Je rêve que le soleil m'embrasse,
Que la nuit me redonne la joie...
Je rêve qu'un grand amour me prend la main
Et me nourrit avec des étoiles...

J'ouvre les yeux... il pleut... le ciel est gris
Le froid m'agace, le regard des autres me fait mal...
Mon cerveau s'éclate en millions de rêves...
Rêves nulles, sans couleur, sans but,
Mensonges vides dans des yeux vides
Et je veux plus rêver...


Les rues de Paris

Les rues du Paris sont abime de futur,
L'histoire joue qu'un role secondaire
Dans le voyage commence il y a quelque jours.

Les fenêtres sont fermées, devant les rideaux
La lumière éteinte derrière
Sur les rues d'un Paris vicieux.

Je marche et mon chemin
Me porte sur les rues du Paris,
A droite, en haut, en cercle...

Il fait froid

J'ai froid.
Mes main sont gelées, mes pieds aussi,
j'arrive plus a me chauffer
et j'ai froid dedans
parce-qu'il neige dans mon cœur
et les champs déserts de mon âme
sont couverts de glace protectrice...
Le soleil est loin de mon esprit,
il est loin de ce monde froidi,
trop loin, trop petit,
trop faible pour nous réchauffer ce matin...
J'ai froid parce qu'il fait froid.
Je bouges plus, je reste statue
ou bien comme un personnage d'une peinture,
j'avale le froid, lui il m'avale aussi,
on devient le même, le soleil,
oui, le soleil, il nous rejoint aussi...
Il y a de la musique, mais ça change rien,
il y a la morte...



Te-am vazut cu sufletul.
Fara sa stiu ca existi
m-am plimbat prin parul tau,
am baut din apa ochilor tai
ti-am gustat buzele de caramel
si m-am imbatat cu vorbele tale.

Te-am atins cu gandul.
Ai izbucnit in petale parfumate,
ai zburat cu aripi de puf,
ai strigat cu armonii de vioara
si-ai tacut ca nisipul in mare.
Apoi mi-ai dat ce nu ti-am cerut...

Am deschis ochii dar nu mai erai acolo.
Valurile se sfaramau la picioarele mele,
vantul mi se zbatea in urechi,
nisipul ma mangaia rece aspru,
iar soarele, aruncandu-se in mare,
mi-a spus cum sa te regasesc...

At the sea... Translation "La mare..."

The strong colors from the eyes are making me dizzy

I can only see fire and waters

I can only feel thoughts.

Cold water hurts

and the skin is mad at the sun

my eyes are taken by night.

People watch me on the street

music is not on the tables

scallops cry for the sea .

Pescarusii yell love

people throw feelings

I do'nt hunt immortality ...

La mare...

Culorile tari din ochi ma ametesc
mai vad doar flacari si ape
mai simt doar ganduri.
Frigul din apa ma doare
si pielea e suparata pe soare
ochi-mi sunt dusi catre noapte.
Oamenii pe strazi ma privesc
muzica nu-i pe la mese
scoicile plang dupa mare.
Pescarusii tipa iubirea
oamenii arunca sentimente
eu nu vanez nemurirea...


Te voir c'est de sentir la douleur d'autre fois,
c'est de me faire percer par tes yeux,
d'entendre ton cri désespérè.

T'entendre c'est de revivre les temps perdus,
c'est de monter des escaliers interminables
pour te toucher la dernière fois.

Te toucher c'est de plonger dans l'infini,
c'est de prier dans toutes les églises
pour voir ton regard fuyant...

Te voir c'est de sentir la douceur de tes lèvres,
c'est de mélanger les épices
avec la mer de tes yeux!

J'ai envié

J'ai envié de me rencontrer et de me perdre.
J'ai envié de bruler les pages d'un cahier oublié...
J'ai envié de me toucher et de me gratter.
J'ai envié de m'aimer sans souci de douleur;
J'ai envié d'ouvrir les portes du destin;
J'ai envié de caresser une feuille verte...
J'ai envié de boire de l'eau frais,
J'ai envié de sangloter comme un enfant,
J'ai envié d'un arc-en-ciel qui touche les racines du terre.
J'ai envié de me soulé de parfums préhistoriques,
J'ai envié de vivre et de mourir...

Silence - traducere/translation from "Tacere"

I learned the silence.
The sky embarassed by the stars teched me.
The cold from the sea teached me.
The coarse sand of the beach,
the sharp stones, the dry grass,
people eyes stoned in smile,
the sun, the moon, the ships,
all teached me the silence.
And learning the silence I learned to forget.


Am invatat sa tac
Cerul stanjenit de stele m-a invatat.
Frigul din apa marii m-a invatat.
Nisipul aspru de pe plaja,
pietrele taioase, iarba uscata,
ochii oamenilor incremeniti in zambet,
soarele, luna; vapoarele,
toate m-au invatat sa tac.
Si tacand am invatat sa uit!


M-am intors catre umbra

Soarele prea fierbinte, prea aproape de pielea mea.
Mi-era cald si m-am intors catre umbra...
Lumina prea puternica, prea intensa pentru ochii mei.
Lacrimam si m-am intors catre umbra...
Ecoul prea tare, prea greu pentru gandul meu.
Ma obosea si m-am intors catre umbra...
M-am racorit, mi-am odihnit ochii si mi-am linistit gandul.
As vrea sa ma intorc lumina...
Dar umbra e peste tot in jurul meu...
Ma inconjoara rece cu o mie de brate,
Ma saruta cu zeci de guri de gheata si ma imbata cu intuneric....
Mereu inlatur o bucata, dar alta mai mare , mai densa ii ia locul, lovesc
Lupt intr-una cu sabiile gandului, dar sabiile sa sfarma rand pe rand...
Lovesc cu pumnii, dar pumnii ochilor mei dau in gol...
Impusc cu privirea, dar gloantele ochilor mei cad reci, stinghere...
Sunt pe marginea lumii singur, cu ochii inchisi, chircit, speriat...
Aud umbra razand cristalin si sinistru... "Esti al meu..."
Greu, ma ridicsi, cu ochii mereu inchisi, imi deschid sufletul...
Raman asa si astept...
Incet aud cuvinte, simt frigul departandu-se...
Aud si Umbra: "Nu-ti spun Adio, caci raman cu tine..."
Dar simt din nou caldura soarelui....


The rain

I can feel the rain... cold and bitter as always... Now even colder...I walk thorough fallen leafs wetting my feet. It seems weird to me that the leafs are brown and the grass still green... that vivid, intense green of the summer as the grass does not want to feel the cold outside, as the grass would deny the fast comming of the winter. I wish I can be that green grass... But I can feel the rain, I can feel the wind, I can feel the pain and I am afraid of the winter of my life. I asked myself why... My winter seems still far away from me, unless... unless we have seasons in our lifes as the years has them. Cycling seasons or spiral seasons or something like this. Maybe. Then I should take something to keep me warm, a love to cover me as a blanket... As you can get love like this... like you go to a store and by it... or friendship...

I can feel the rain... cold and bitter as usual... I can even see the rain... "I'm watching you beach! You ain't gonna get me... At least not until I finish this shit..."

I can feel.... of course I can feel it, I hate it! And I do not know why I can't fell the sun anymore, why I run from the light, why... I stay in the rain... I know now why I never learned to bike, because biking in the rain can be worse than the rain itself! With all those icy, sticky drops thumbling on your face as the juice of an orange smashed on the wall... with the cold atacking you from all parts... with no place to hide... with the strong wish to go home. But where is home?

They say that wherever you feel at home is home. But I never felt at home. Here, there, at my house, at my friend, always I was like a guest ready to start his journey again. What is home?

Last smoke.I finished my shit. The rain stopped, but I still can feel it's presence... like a ghost folowing me arround... And a really bitter one.

I'd better be going now. Future is waiting for me... I see it... It is a large street like a boulevard and many, many other streets are crossing with it. I can even see some of them: Sex is first on the right, shit is second on left, drugs is a dead-end at first on the left, job fifth on the right, family a little bit further, but there is no happiness. Sure I have missed it! I better go back to search again... Just a little moment to get rest... I feel tired I need a cigarette...

I can feell the rain again... And it came with the fog... Is wetting my cigarette... And is getting heavier.. the rain. I should find a shelter... look here on this street... On the "Drinking Street"...

I'll never be home again. I cannot feel home ever again... but I can feel the rain... and it is cold... and bitter... as I am.


I met someone today.
Someone that looked into my eyes and said:
No way! I love you... I can't stay!
Than someone was gone away...

I saw something today.
Something that cried into my head:
No way! I hate you... You can't stay!
Than I went away...

I feel you now.
This tender touch on my crippled body:
One way! Thorough love and hate...!
Stay, don' go away...